Some leader key bindings.

" map leader to space
let mapleader = "\<Space>"

Space is a big, easy to hit key that’s in almost exactly the same place on all key boards. It has little to no use in normal mode and allows access to the full keyboard without leaving home row. As a secondary I don’t like the repurposed , key for the leader, by default this key is the reverse of ; (repeating the last f, t, F, or T, motion), which is pretty useful for line navigation.

" clears search
nnoremap <leader><BS> :noh<cr>
" buffer swap
nnoremap <leader><Tab> <C-^>
" reselect pasted text
nnoremap <leader>v V`]

These don’t really need much explanation beyond the comments, most of them don’t actually save any key strokes, just move functionality I use a lot into a clearer place.

" put under/over
nnoremap <silent> <leader>pu :pu<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <leader>po :pu!<CR>

These are probably two of my most used leader binds. I use them for line relative put as opposed to the standard cursor relative put. I find that I will tend to use one of these two bindings by default unless I specifically want in-line put or know specifically p will give me the same output as :pu (for example after dd or yy).

" folding and things
nnoremap <leader><leader> za
nnoremap <leader>r zr
nnoremap <leader>m zm

Folds are super cool in terms of vim navigation, these are my most common actions, za toggles the current fold under cursor, zr reduces the folding (adds to foldlevel), and zm folds more (subtracts from foldlevel). I used to just fold/unfold all, but this gives more control.

" AG: find things to fix/todo
nnoremap <leader>tf :Ag \(TODO\\|FIXME\)

" quick fix
nnoremap <silent> <leader>qo :copen<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <leader>qq :cclose<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <leader>qc :cex []<CR> " clears quick fix

Quick fix largely lives as my todo list. In combination with Ag this can be pretty powerful. I’m thinking about some exclusions however, as it can get a bit polluted by third party libraries.